Why History?
Studying history helps us understand and grapple with complex questions and dilemmas by examining how the past has shaped (and continues to shape) global, national, and local relationships between societies and people.
GCSE History
Our GCSE History specification provides a coherent and integrated study of history.
This breadth of the specification offers an opportunity for teachers of history to approach the subject through a variety of options which will lead to a broad, balanced and coherent course.
A-Level History
Our AS/A level History specification promotes the integrated study of history. It enables learners to study the history of more than one country or state including both British and at least one outside the British Isles, study specific aspects of the past in breadth and in depth, study change and/or development over a period of time both long term and short term and study the nature and purpose of history as a discipline and how historians work.
This approach encourages the acquisition of a wide range of historical knowledge and a full range of skills.