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Why Drama?


Drama enhances students' artistic and creative abilities and gives them a better understanding of themselves and their world. ... Drama fosters self-discipline, confidence and teamwork and develops skills in interpreting, researching, negotiating, problem-solving and decision making.



GCSE Drama


Our GCSE Drama qualification is an exciting, inspiring and practical course. The specification promotes involvement in and enjoyment of drama, as performers and/or designers.


Additionally, it provides opportunities for learners to attend live theatre performances and to develop skills as informed and thoughtful audience members. By following this specification, learners will be given opportunities to participate in and interpret their own and others' drama. They will also have the option to work practically as performers and/or designers in Units 1 and 2.



A-Level Drama


Our AS/A level Drama and Theatre is an exciting and inspiring course that prepares learners for further study in Higher Education. This highly practical specification provides learners with the opportunity to work as either performers and/or designers on three different performances.


The specification provides a practical and challenging course of study that encourages learners to develop and apply an informed, analytical framework for making, performing, interpreting and understanding drama and theatre.


Learners will also develop an understanding of the place of relevant theoretical research in informing the processes and practices involved in creating theatre and the place of practical exploration in informing theoretical knowledge of drama and theatre.




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