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Why Business?


1. Develop communication skills

2. Know your audience

3. Accounting and budgeting: Don’t fall short

4. Unlock the entrepreneur inside you: Leave your mark on the world

5. Investment & finance: Learn what makes the world go round

6. Project management: A skill for every sector



GCSE Business


Our GCSE Business specification introduces learners to the business world, empowering them to develop as commercially minded and enterprising individuals.


Learners will have the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills, enabling them to use business information critically, to develop arguments, make justified decisions and prepare them for further study and career pathways.


A-Level Business


The focus of our AS/A level Business specification is to nurture an enthusiasm for studying business using contemporary contexts, allowing learners to develop an appreciation of the strategic, complex and inter-related nature of business issues from a local to a global perspective.


Learners will be introduced to the dynamic business environment and the importance of entrepreneurial activity in creating business opportunities and sustaining business growth.


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01437 211003


Redhill High School
Clynderwen House
SA66 7PN


Redhill High School © 2024

Website by D.Esteve

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